KULTER. proeflokaal | art exhibition performance music words
2017_1-10 DECEMBER 2017_Amsterdam_Deventer_Rotterdam -
Total Fiction is film maker/sf moma curator Paul Clipson (16 mm films) with guitarist Jeremy Young & componist/pianist Shinya Sugimoto. OBOL LE is a performance project by Ibellisse Guardia Ferragutti (concept, based a.o. on textile, graphic scores and improvision) with Jochem van Tol (modular synthesizer), Frank Rosaly (drums, electronics) en Harpo ’t Hart (keys, algorithm/projection, synthesizer).
2017_31 MARCH 19:30 - 23:00 at Dokzaal, Plantage Doklaan 8-12, Amsterdam
More info: GONZO (CIRCUS)
KULTER & WEST WEDNESDAYS present BEACON by Sjoerd Leijten & Olle Kruijt [from the sound bicycle performances and art expeditions collective Volle Band]. They are now exploring the sky, the cosmos and the earth through radiomagnetic waves [from the roof of the Tetterode building].
2017_12 APRIL 18:00 - 21:00 < check the full West Wednesdays “ecology” edition.
KULTER presents Manu Louis chansons beats kermesse.
2017_12 MAY 19:30 - 23:00 at De Nieuwe Anita, Amsterdam
Art route & surprises at De Hallen / Tetterode / WG, Amsterdam Oud-west -
Every second Wednesday of the month 18:00 - 21:00. Follow the program here:
www.westwednesdays.com - facebook page -
2017_8 MARCH 18:00 - 21:00 streetwise Cliques et Claques present experimental films by Jan Peeters with poetry by Paul Bogaert, Ulrike Almut Sandig, Bart van der Straeten.
14 DECEMBER 18:00 - 21:00 streetwise Cliques et Claques: ZT Tosha Immediate and short-term judgmental forecasting + Tanya Kucheryavaya Cemeteries + WG visit studio Olga Ganzha “Want to see my etchings?” < check the full “tijd” program
9 NOVEMBER 18:00 - 21:00 at fanfare in Tetterode: artist talk Ivo Bol about the EEG performance-in-progress (UN)FOCUSSED < check the full “wetenschap” program
12 OCTOBER 18:00 - 21:00 at KLUPKO - room:s: & daily art situations: exhibition ’Guests, Ghosts & Gardening’, Da Costastraat 37-I < check the full “stadsleven” program
14 SEPTEMBER 18:00 - 21:00 FLAGG’s dioramas [SA] & Henry Collins’ rummages [UK] -
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KULTER for terminal at DE RUIMTE
2016_JULY/AUGUST/SEPTEMBER BEACON Sjoerd Leijten & Olle Kruyt
Opening 1 July 17:00 - 23:00 + 20:00 The Void* / Martijn Comes -
2016_APRIL/MAY/JUNE TOYDINGEN Toymaffia, Jeroen Diepenmaat
Opening 1 April 17:00 - 23:00 -
Meet the artist 27 MARCH 18:00 - 22:00 -
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café bistro concert
27 MARCH 18:00 SINDRE BJERGA [psychedelic drone / collage music from Norway] + MODELBAU [Frans de Waard] + TECH RIDERS [Sindre + Frans] + HAKKI TAKKI [Plattegrond ]
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KULTER. instruments_make_play in Amsterdam 2016
Related events: www.facebook.com/instrumentsmakeplay
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1 May Instrument’s Room 16:00 - Bernhard Hollinger + Hans Leeuw + Dianne Verdonk
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1 - 30 April De Ruimte/Terminal: TOYDINGEN Toymaffia installation & Jeroen Diepenmaat sculpture
30 April De Ruimte 14:00 DIY electronics gathering & Instruments_make_play festival - Takuji Naka/Tim Olive + Tijs Ham [Three Mixers] + Cultsys + Roald van Dillewijn [Digilog] + Jeroen Diepenmaat + KA... 18:00 diner 20:30 Bimhuis DOEK festival Annette Krebs -
23 April SOTU FESTIVAL 20:30 Vondelbunker colectivo ALOARDI 23:30 Occii Frau Diamanda -
22 April De Ruimte/Terminal 18:00 - 20:00 AFTERWORK Lukas Simonis/Radboud Mens, Truus [Plus Instruments]
15 April De Ruimte/Loods 20:30 Thomas Truax, Slumberland, Lester/Dassuad -
13 April Tetterode/Dijktheater PRE SOTU Festival 18:00 - 21:00 NO PATENT PENDING #23 with iii = Instrument Inventors Initiative: Dewi De Vree, Patrizia Ruthensteiner, Jeroen Uyttendaele, Jo Caimo, Erfan Abdi & Matteo Marangoni. Entrance 5 €. Free when purchasing the book No Patent Pending - Self performative media, 25 €. 22:00 Occii Bar Roald van Dillewijn -
6 April Occii Kinderpret 14.30 - 16.30 UPSOUND WORKSHOP met oude onderdelen van kapotte muziekinstrumenten weer nieuwe maken voor 6 t/m 12 jarigen door Jacob Plooij
3 April De Ruimte 20:00 IMPRO JAM come & see or bring your self-made instruments
1 April De Ruimte/Terminal 10:00 - 20:00 THE ART OF PLAY Stimulate the Senses – Sense of Sound, Immersive Spaces, Expressive Wearables 18:00 - 22:00 TOYDINGEN OPENING
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Art route & surprises at De Hallen / Tetterode / AteliersWG, Amsterdam Oud-west -
Every second Wednesday of the month 18:00 - 21:00. Check the program here:
www.westwednesdays.com - www.facebook.com/West-Wednesdays-467685260065594 -
11 MAY 18:00 - 21:00 EXODUS by Young Blood Initiative perfomers Tashi Iwaoka and James Hewitt. + SCHIZOPHRENIA IN EIGHT HOURS by photograph Zahra Khorami [Iran] -
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13 APRIL 18:00 - 21:00 PRE SOTU festival INSTRUMENTS MAKE PLAY with
Instruments Inventors Initiative iii: No Patent Pending #23 - Dewi De Vree, Patrizia Ruthensteiner, Jeroen Uyttendaele, Jo Caimo, Erfan Abdi, Matteo Marangoni at Dijk Theater / Tetterode. Entrance 5 €. Free when purchasing No Patent Pending - Self performative media 25€.
9 March 18:00 - 21:00 TAPES FROM THE REVOLUTIONARY - a 16 minutes film by Scott Willis at Tetterode.
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10 February 18:00 - 21:00 CITIES BY NIGHT - Valentina Medda, winner TINA Prize Amsterdam, documented women's solitary night walks in Amsterdam. The result: hand-drawn maps of the City by Night - a work in progress that will culminate with a performative walk in April 2016 in the presence of the New-York based Italian artist. At Galerie Beeldend Gesproken/De Hallen.
13 January 18:00 - 21:00 INSIDEOUT, Clara Scherrer, Justin Lépany, Kleefstra/Bakker/Kleefstra, Danny Saul at Tetterode.
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9 December 18:00 - 21:00 A/V CLUB with thanks to VOLLE BAND
11 November 19:00 LIMA media art platform Screening Martijn Veldhoen, (why do I keep going) FORWARD, 2004, 6'00'' / Semiconductor, Black Rain, 2009, 3'02'' / Sebastian Diaz Morales, Suspension, 2015, 12'14'' 19:30 ELI GRAS [SP] - portable concert 21:30 PULPY BLOSSOM [Arvind Ganga guitar, Marialuisa Capurso voice, Electra Kikk dance] at Dijk Theater/Tetterode.
14 OCTOBER 20:00 FAN LETTERS [nyc] - an audiovisual collaboration between musician DYLAN NEELY and video artist ALEX NATHANSON at Beeldend Gesproken / De Hallen -
KULTER for terminal at DE RUIMTE
2016_JULY/AUGUST/SEPTEMBER BEACON Sjoerd Leijten & Olle Kruyt
Opening 1 July 17:00 - 23:00 + 20:00 The Void* / Martijn Comes -
2016_APRIL/MAY/JUNE TOYDINGEN Toymaffia, Jeroen Diepenmaat
Opening 1 April 17:00 - 23:00 -
Meet the artist 27 MARCH 18:00 - 22:00 -
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café bistro concert
27 MARCH 18:00 SINDRE BJERGA [psychedelic drone / collage music from Norway] + MODELBAU [Frans de Waard] + TECH RIDERS [Sindre + Frans] + HAKKI TAKKI [Plattegrond ]
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Burgemeester De Vlugtlaan 125
7 November 18:00 - 21:00 Bas Jacobs Agam Andreas Dassuad & Ania Brzezinska Julisso ∴ Electra Kikk & Marialuisa Capurso Notturno 2 dans en stem intermezzo in de Nachtsalon
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Overhoeksplein 2, Amsterdam Noord, between Eye Museum and Tolhuistuin
5 min from ferry Buiksloterweg -> Route: www.a-lab.nl -
9 + 10 OCTOBER 19:00 - 22:00 - PRIVATE CITIZENS - A Singapore Showcase
The audience will experience an interactive installation using video goggles by Eugene Soh, an augmented reality performance using a downloadable Iphone app by Jacquelyn Soo, spoken word from Marc Nair and finally an electronic sound art performance from Zulkifle Mahmod. Read more: www.facebook.com/events/1492278971070398/

24 OCTOBER 19:00 - 20:00 - LURKENDE WEZENS - Het Publiek Ensemble in Overhoeks
24 OCTOBER 20:00 - 00:00 - SKETCH BATTLE XXL - The Oeverloos Festival Drawing Contest with music by Meta Marie Louise [CH] & Bang Bang Band Girl [D]
